
Body of Work 

Dr. Paul L. Evans is known professionally as a policy analyst, program evaluator, software developer and business executive who works on the emerging technology side of computing, consulting, advertising, and biotech. As a policy analyst, during the 1970’s his policy research for the State of South Carolina helped formulate operational definitions and guidelines for State compliance with Federal Education mandates, PL 94-142, and PL 93-380. His work was passed into law in seventeen states.

On completion of his doctorate (statistics, program evaluation-University of Georgia) he became a policy analyst and program evaluator at the National Science Foundation (NSF) in Washington, DC. There he conducted policy and data analysis for NSF resulting in a book on needs of pre-college science and mathematics education which was presented to the National Science Board for adoption by Congress.

Following NSF, Dr. Evans was an early member of IBM’s PC development team in Boca Raton, Florida, shipping the first Personal Computer on August 12, 1981. 

At IBM he became a principal architect in the establishment of multimedia as an industry. His first development project in multimedia was in 1982 where he used digitized speech to help build a computer-based reading program for kindergarten youngsters. Paul directed the National field research on the effectiveness of "Writing to Read" for IBM in conjunction with the Educational Testing Service in Princeton, N.J. The computer program was statistically validated to be highly effective in teaching pre-school children to read and write. 

Seeing the potential for emerging educational technology worldwide, IBM implemented a 10-million-dollar corporate responsibility campaign (aligned with the Sullivan Principles promoting corporate social responsibility) to teach school children to read and write in South Africa before the end of the apartheid era. Dr. Evans was subsequently asked to provide consulting services in South Africa, and other IBM interests in the United States, Europe, Asia, and the former Soviet Union.

In 1985 he helped convert IBM's videodisc training system into a multimedia program that could be used to teach illiterate adults to read and write. The program was used successfully to help sanitation workers and prison inmates learn to read and write. Driven by corporate interest in educational policy, Paul Evans represented IBM Educational Systems in Washington, D.C. with government agencies, legislative staff, and professional associations.  There he analyzed pending legislation regarding emerging technology and education and prepared congressional testimony for IBM Educational Systems presentations in congressional hearings.

In 1989, working with a group of Hollywood filmmakers, he created the celebrated "Ulysses" interactive multimedia program. Shortly thereafter, a multimedia division was launched in 1990 to take advantage of this new business opportunity. Between 1990 and 1992, Dr. Evans and his Knowledge Systems Development team produced a series of pioneering and award-winning IBM multimedia applications and demonstrated them at the 1991 keynote address to the International Multimedia Conference in Tokyo. 

During 1992 Paul was given the mission to build a startup company within IBM in Atlanta, Georgia, the Multimedia Publishing Studio, that would build, publish, and market interactive multimedia titles for the consumer marketplace. In May of 1992 Paul led The Multimedia Publishing Studio into the consumer CD ROM titles business. A Sony Corporation joint venture resulted in multiple CD Rom titles for Sony's CD ROM XA player, the world's first multimedia hand held player. He also signed strategic partnerships with diverse content development companies including McGraw-Hill, Twentieth Century Fox, Turner, Warner Brothers, the Louvre, the British Museum, “Star Wars” Entertainment, The Biosphere, and IBM-Japan. In 1992 and 1993 Dr. Evans gave pioneering multimedia demonstrations and presentations of the Studio's emerging technology at TED 3, in Monterey, California and TED 4, in Kobe, Japan.

In 1994 Paul launched a consulting venture under contract with IBM Fireworks Partners Ventures to serve as a base for leveraging his key domestic and international contacts in entertainment and multimedia. In 1995 Electronic Data Systems (EDS, now Hewlett Packard ) acquired Evans' venture and launched EDS Management Consulting Services in Washington, DC, with Evans in an executive leadership role in the new company. In 1997 EDS acquired AT Kearney Management Consulting where Paul Evans became responsible for technology thought leadership for the firm and management of European and Domestic technology clients. Paul wrote and presented worldwide for Kearney:

 ·     "The Whammy Gameboard: Picking New Media Partners", Presented to Media and Alliances Conference, September 28, 1995, La Jolla, CA

·     "US Internet Business Opportunities", Presented to Telecommunications Forum. March 13, 1996 Bonn, Germany

·         "Telecommuting in 2001:  The Internet Scenario", Presented to Supercomm '96  June 26, 1996 Dallas, Texas

·         "Revenge of the Nerds: New Internet Business Opportunities", Presented to University of Kansas, School of Business, November 14, 1996, Lawrence, Kansas

·     “Industry Analysis: Telecommunications and the Internet”, International Engineering Consortium, 1997 Annual Review of Communications, January 1997

·     Converging Technologies and Value Creation, A Look at the Internet and the Opportunities it Offers, white paper published by  A.T. Kearney, Chicago, IL. April 1997.

·         "Extranets and Supply Chain Integration", LA/C Productions Forum, September, 1997. Miami, Florida

·         "Internet Software and Tools", National Communications Forum, October 1997, Chicago, Illinois

·     "The Future of the Internet", National Communications Forum, October, 1997. Chicago, Illinois

·     "The New Technical Infrastructure for Knowledge Management", Chemical Week, December, 1997.

·     AT Kearney's Catalyst--The Magazine for Competitive Advantage in the Chemical Industry: "The Role of  the New Knowledge Management Infrastructure--Inside and Outside the Enterprise" (Fall '97)

·     Technology Watch: "Voice Recognition: The Next Productivity Revolution", A.T. Kearney, Executive Agenda: AT Kearney's Management Consulting Journal, Chicago, IL. (March 30, 1998)

·     Digital Pioneers:  Separating the Electronic Commerce Hype from the Reality,  white paper published by A.T. Kearney, Chicago, IL. June 1998.  Also serialized in Winter '98 and Spring '99 Executive Agenda: AT Kearney's Management Consulting Journal.

·     “The New Electronic Commerce Infrastructure”, International Engineering Consortium, Article in the 1998 Annual Review of Communications, January 1998

·     Technology Watch: "The Future of Smart Card Technology", Executive Agenda: AT Kearney's Management Consulting Journal., AT Kearney (June, 1998)

·     "What's Happening to Smart Cards?" SITP Connection---Article in the AT Kearney Strategic Information Technology Practice Publication , May  1998

·     Breaking the Waves New Digitally Driven Technologies. Interview with Midwest Express In-flight Magazine, May, 1998

·         "Electronic Commerce for New Channel Development and Operations  Improvement" Presented to LA/C Productions Forum, May, 1998, Key Biscayne, Florida

·     Recruiting presentation: "Digital Pioneers"---Harvard Business School, Cambridge, MA, September 23, 1998

·     "The Future of Telephony and the Next-Generation Telco", Presented to the National Communications Form '98, Chicago, October 1998

·         "Maximizing Return of Investment from Intranet and Extranet Implementation" Presented to the National Communications Form '98, Chicago, October 1998

·     “Electronic Commerce and the Supply Chain” ---Interview with Industry Week Magazine, November  1998

·     "Smart Cards"----Interview with USA Today Weekend Edition, November, 1998

·         "Electronic Commerce"---Interview with Reno Air "Approach" Air flight magazine, December, 1998

·     "The Emergence of Enterprise "IP" Networks", Chapter in Book: The Future of IP Networks, published by the International Engineering Consortium. January, 1999

·         "Electronic Commerce Strategies for the Next Generation of Businesses: A white paper on the new electronic business environment and how it is creating new industry and enterprise models for competitive success", International Engineering Consortium, Article in the 1998 Annual Review of Communications, January 1999

·     Technology Watch: "IP Networks: Making a Digital Difference With Internet Protocol", Executive Agenda: AT Kearney's Management Consulting Journal., AT Kearney (Spring, 1999)

·     “ Technologies Behind Knowledge-Based Action”  feature article Technology Watch  ATK Journal

·     “Agent, Search and Data Visualization Technologies”  Technology Watch  ATK Journal


In 1999 Dr. Paul Evans joined Young and Rubicam in New York City and together with Lester Wunderman (founder of Wunderman Worldwide) they formed The Marketing Laboratory to design, develop and implement new, proprietary, and innovative, technology-based, customer-oriented marketing resources and solutions. Evans directed the founding and positioning of the Marketing Lab as the pre-eminent marketing thought leadership forum through the recruitment of an esteemed board of advisors including Dr. Philip Kotler (marketing guru); Dr. Ram Charan (CEO mentor); Aldo Papone (former President American Express); Malcolm Gladwell (writer, The New Yorker); and, Fred Wilson (Flat Iron Partners) and technology partners. Evans directed the packaging of the Marketing Lab as a key worldwide asset for Young and Rubicam delivering International Marketing Keynote Addresses:

·     March 22, 2000 in Tokyo, Japan. Dentsu 15th Anniversary. “The Design, Development, and Use of Information Portals for the Integration of Database, Internet, CTI, Intranet, Extranet, and CRM solutions.”

·     May 19, 2000 Melborne, Australia ,   Australian Direct Marketing Association,  “The Marketing Lab: Research and Development in Marketing and Advertising”

·     May 23, 2000 Auckland, New Zealand,  New Zealand Direct Marketing Association,  “The Marketing Lab: New Marketing Techniques and the Internet”

·     May 26, 2000 Sydney, Australia, Pan Asian Direct Marketing Association, “The Marketing Lab, Emerging Technologies and New Marketing Opportunities”

 During this same period Dr. Evans published state-of-the-art marketing thought leadership publications and technology:

·     Envisioning the Digital Automaker. August 2000, Marketing Lab Worldwide Thought Leadership Publication

·     The CRM Cockpit,  August 2000, CRM Information Portal Designed and Developed by the Marketing Lab (Patents Pending)

·     Making Smart Connections to Electronic Consumers,  November 15,  Marketing Lab Worldwide Thought Leadership Publication  on Wireless Technology

·     The Marketing Lab CD ROM:  A CD ROM of Marketing Lab Thought Leadership Material, March 2001


New business development opportunities resulted and contributed to Y&R's enhanced valuation and acquisition by WPP which acquired Young and Rubicam for $4.7 billion in a stock swap.


In 2008 Dr. Paul Evans formed The International Research Institute for Wellness and Prevention (IRIWP) which began outreach in Thailand and the Asia Pacific region with participating hospitals, universities, institutions, and public and private sectors for the advancement of the study of genomics, lifestyle research and age-related disease.  In 2014, Genomics International Asia Pacific was started as a partner venture.  In 2022 Bicameral Media was formed as an early-stage investment venture.

Academic & International Experience


Paul has served as visiting industry associate at the MIT /Sloan School of Business 21st Century Initiative; an industry representative to the MIT Media Lab; a business consultant at the Harvard Educational Technology Center; a National Academy of Sciences, Educational Technology Study participant; and, a consultant to the U.S. DOE in Educational Technology.

His international experience includes business and academic consulting in the former Soviet Union, the republic of South Africa, Japan, China, Thailand, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, the Principality of Monaco, India, Brazil, Hungary, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, and Great Britain. His current interests are improvement of inequitable education, health, lifestyle outcomes worldwide. He also writes and lectures internationally on the science of consciousness and the concurrence of eastern and western philosophy, see: "Toward A Comprehensive East-West Theory of Mind, Brain, and Reality" (Agra, India)  at Dayalbagh Educational Institute. C13 EASTERN PHILOSOPHY I March 6, 1600 – 1800 hours, Quantum-Nano Systems Centre  ; The Epigenetics of Consciousness  (University of Arizona); The Evolution of a Consciousness "Singularity" (Hong Kong);   Consciousness And The Technological Demiurge (University of Arizona); and, Consciousness Singularity , Entrainment, and Altered States (Stockholm).

Dr. Evans' professional and academic memberships include Honor Societies:  PHI KAPPA PHI, PSI CHI, KAPPA DELTA PI, PHI DELTA KAPPA;  Memberships in: American Society of Human Genetics, American Psychological Association, Association for the Advancement of Psychology, American Association for the Advancement of Science,  American Educational Research Association, World Future Society, Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the East; Fellow, International Engineering Consortium; (Over 300 presentations and media appearances, 43 professional articles, including professional books and chapters in books). His patents include: The Life Force Index Calibration Methodology , which determines density of photons emitted from food under electrical stimulation; and, The Wellness Navigation Expert System™ , a digital health platform, which creates personal lifestyle protocols for use on a smart phone.

Advertising and marketing 

Wunderman / Marketing Lab / CRM

Operational Start-up / Established Board of Advisors 

CRM Cockpit for Automotive Industry Clients

International Presentations Digital Marketing

Thought Leadership Digital Marketing

paul evans

Lester wunderman

malcolm gladwell

The Marketing Lab developed and disseminated thought leadership on the future of digital automakers (see abstract below), interactive TV, longitudinal contract strategy, CRM diagnostics and applications, electronic consumers, and conducted seminars and breakfast meetings in NYC for clients and called on clients at their locale for presentations.

Part 2 of Document Omitted 

Appendix Shown Below 

With Detail of CRM Cockpit

thought leadership

Kearney International Consulting 

Playavista Investment Analysis 

German High Tech Firm US Market Entry Assistance

Technology Thought Leader / CEO Executive Agenda

Hi-tech Transformational Consulting Model

Early Stage Investment Analysis for German high tech company USA market entry and anchor tenant status in Playavista project in Los Angeles, California

Project in keeping with the spirit of former landowner Howard Hughes’ historic concept. Hughes transformed Playavista area into a breeding ground for aeronautic innovation and today that innovation is in technology, media and other creative fields. 

First Internet thought leadership to be published by leading management consulting firm

ibm multiMedia

IBM Fireworks Partners Portfolio Venture Company

CEO/General Manager IBM's Digital Studio (MMPS)

Joint Venture with Sony Corporation

Multinational Content Publishing Partnerships

IBM's digital studio (MMPS) was an an IBM Fireworks Partners portfolio venture company. It started as a spin-off of IBM's Educational Systems division.   The studio developed and marketed software products that combined numerous elements—video and broadcasting, print and publishing, and computers—into a single technology. The resulting interactive packages and compact discs were sold to business and education industry sectors and were marketed at retail entertainment venues.

IBM's Ulysses prototype was the first interactive multimedia program on the classics. The demonstration was shown at TED 3 (Monterey, California) and TED 4 (Kobe, Japan) and set the stage for IBM's Illuminated Books and Manuscripts. 

Another early IBM prototype was based on the Japanese classic movie, RAN, and was shown in the fall of 1990 at the first International Multimedia Festival in Tokyo, Japan and established design requirements for IBM's Columbus: Encounter, Discovery and Beyond.

The first of IBM's multimedia educational programs to be published was designed for classroom use and included tools for teachers and students to create their own interactive projects.  Five text-based formats illuminated with other media included: a poem (Ulysses), a letter (a Letter From Birmingham Jail), a play (Hamlet),  a document (The Bill of Rights); and, a biography (Black Elk Speaks).

The video, text, graphics and audio libraries included with the poetry program provided an in-depth perspective on Alfred Lord Tennyson's immortal poem on the Greek mythological hero. The accompanying tools can be used by teachers and students to "illuminate" other poetry as well.

"The Letter from Birmingham Jail" contains civil rights reflections written by Dr. Martin Luther King while confined to the Birmingham City Jail. Multimedia commentary is provided by Civil Rights leaders including Ambassador Andrew Young.

"Hamlet" is a multimedia study of Shakespeare's classic play, including modern-day perspectives and interpretations of the work. Literary scholars provide points of view on the value of the work in contemporary society.

The "Bill of Rights"  is illuminated by video, text, graphics and audio libraries through text interpretation, scholarly interviews, and historical records analysis. The work is examined with media examples that support or challenge the text.

"Black Elk Speaks" is a multimedia program based on the biography of Black Elk, the Sioux Indian who shared with poet John J. Neihardt, his story of Native American struggles, conflict and loss in effort to preserve Native American religion and the sacred Ghost Dance.

The Columbus multimedia program examines exploration from Columbus' voyage to the moon landing and how these events affected the world today.

The first of the Multimedia Publishing Studio's large interactive knowledge systems Columbus was designed for classroom use and contains some 180 interactive hours of multimedia content.

The Columbus program combines text, photographs, music, sound, film, and video. Rights were acquired for the use of historical documents, images, film, video and audio materials. Columbus's 14th generation grand daughter and her mother were interviewed reading Columbus's original Diary of his voyage, in Spanish and English.

Paul Rand acclaimed American art director and graphic designer, best known for his corporate logo designs, including the logos for IBM, designed the documentation and support materials for the Columbus Multimedia program.

Evolution/Revolution using the search and retrieval capabilities found in the Columbus program allows students and teachers to examine the time period between 1890 and 1930 from the perspectives of art, history, science and government.

CD ROM Publishing and Marketing

The Multimedia Publishing Studio entered the consumer titles business with the Sony Corporation Joint Venture and multiple CD Rom titles for Sony's CD ROM XA player

IBM Personal Computer 

IBM PC Development and Product Launch Team in Boca Raton, FL

Education Market Entry Plan/Execution for IBM PC

National Research / Evaluation of PC Educational Programs with Educational Testing Service and Board of Advisors -"Writing to Read"

IBM Educational Systems Launch Team 

IBM PC South African Project 

IBM Anchor Tenant Assessment Future World - Science and Invention Pavilion at The Experimental Prototype City of Tomorrow (EPCOT) 

The IBM Personal Computer, the first microcomputer released in the IBM PC model line was the basis for the IBM PC compatible de facto standard. Released on August 12, 1981, it was created by a team of engineers and designers directed by Don Estridge in Boca Raton, Florida. 

The IBM Personal Computer, designed for business, school and home, sold for $1,565.

Shown above starting on the far right: Dr. William Turnbull, President ETS; Dr. Ernest Boyer US Commissioner of Education; Dr. Jean Chall Harvard University seminal researcher on the developmental stages of reading: and. above, Dr. Kenneth Clark psychologist, educator, and social activist.  His research, in particular his  "doll study,” was crucial to the desegregation of public schools. Shown on the far right, Dr. Paul Evans was responsible for IBM's entry into the education marketplace with the IBM PC and related educational software.

IBM's Writing to Read was proven to be highly effective in teaching pre-school and first grade children how to read. The program was shown to be effective with children across socio-economic and cultural backgrounds.

IBM Market Entry to Schools

Board of Advisors

Dr. Paul Evans IBM

Dr. Bill Turnbull ETS

Dr. Jean Chall Harvard

Dr. Ernest Boyer US Commissioner of Education

Dr. Kenneth Clark Leader Civil Rights Movement, City College of New York, President American Psychological Association

Federal government

Policy analysis, planning and data analysis for science and technology federal policy adoption and funding for NSF. Published book on needs of pre-college science and mathematics education and presented results to National Science Board for adoption and presentation to Congress. Authored: NSF DATABOOK; Contributor: Global 2000 Report to the President; Peer Review Hosting and Research Monitoring; Policy Development 

State Government

State Coordinator of Psychological Services

Least Restrictive Alternatives Educational Services

Statistical and Clinical Assessment Options,  Instrument Design,  Practitioner Surveys, General Health and Wellness Assessments,  Policy Development 

Formulated operational definitions, authored and published guidelines for State compliance with PL 94-142 and PL 93-380 --presented to the General Assembly and passed into law for Federal funding and policy adoption

Current research 

Current interest involves AI systems research.

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